Sponsorship & Advertising Packages
CMDM 2025 offers various sponsorship opportunities:
• Platinum (for 15.000 Euro)
• Gold (for 10.000 Euro)
• Silver (for 5.000 Euro)
• Bronze (for 2.500 Euro)
• Copper (for 1.500 Euro)
With your support, CIGRE is able to offer the CMDM 2025 event to all participants, allowing greater participation and industry contribution.
The Sponsorship contract model and Advertising packages can be downloaded here:
https://cmdm.cigre.org.ro/wp/files/Anexa CMDM-2025-Pachete-de-sponsorizare.doc
The deadline for sponsorship confirmation & payment is 15th September 2025.
The Romanian National Committee of CIGRE is proud to host the CMDM 2023 conference and trusts we can count on your organization in our efforts.
The event sponsorship will provide your company valuable exposure directly to those attending, and indirectly back into the organizations they represent. Every effort will be made to make this conference an enjoyable and meaningful event for the participants, aligning your sponsorship message with their memories of a successful event.
Details are available on the conference website or by contacting the Romanian National Committee of CIGRE at the following contact details:
We look forward to your support and to welcoming your company’s representatives to this industry leading event.