
To complete Registration, please download the Registration form, fill it and send it back by September 15th, 2025 in case of authors, and by 15th October 2025, in case of other participants, to Conference Secretary:

Download registration form here: form_CMDM2025.doc

Tariff for participant: 
• Includes a 3-days package that cannot be split, as it covers access to the Conference Agenda (Sessions & Tutorials, Technical meetings), Conference Proceedings, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Welcome Cocktail, Festive Dinner.
□ 450 EURO / person, CIGRE member
□ 550 EURO / person, CIGRE non-member
Tariff for students:
• Includes a 3-days package that cannot be split, as it covers access to the Conference Agenda (Sessions & Tutorials, Technical meetings).
□ FREE based on BSc/ MSc/ PhD Student Card
Tariff for companion person: 
• Includes Welcome Cocktail, Festive Dinner access.  
• No access to Conference Agenda.
□ 100 EURO / person
Tariff for presenting and publishing the paper□ 100 EURO / article x No. of articles ……
Total fees (Tariff for participant + Tariff for companion person + Tariff for paper):………………………………

Please confirm your presence explicitly to Welcome Cocktail and / or Festive Dinner, by checking the options.
NOTE: participants can also connect online, at the same rate.

The registration is effective only after the acknowledgement of the registration fees payment (for details please see the Registration Form). 

Payment details

Fiscal Identification Code: 20769417; 
Address: Bd. General Gheorghe Magheru nr. 33, cod RO – 010325, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Bank: BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Agency: Piata Romana;
EURO account: RO68 BRDE 410S V046 4572 4100 (for payments in EURO)
LEI account: RO90BRDE410SV84246394100 (for payments in LEI, only on Romania territory)
Representing: Registration fees …… euro + article fees …… euro (no. of articles x 100 euro), at CMDM 2025 Conference, for …………………. (names of the persons). 

A copy of the payment order should be sent by email to CMDM 2023 Conference Secretariat, to 

Notes for authors’ registration

The Conference Technical Committee emphasizes that CMDM 2025 is a participatory conference and an author must present the paper at the Conference. The paper manuscript must follow the format outlined in the paper format instructions (please see the Call for papers section).
If the final paper or the copyright form (as per provided models) is missing, the submission will be canceled. In order to ensure that your paper will be published in the proceeding of the conference, the registration fee of the author and the paper publishing tariff must be paid before September 15th, 2025 (please see section Registration). Failure to pay the publication deposit can result in your paper not being published in the conference proceedings.
If a visa is required for entry into Romania, please allow sufficient time for the application (minimum 2 months). A letter of invitation will be provided upon request.